Choreographed by Fred Buckley

Description: Phrased, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music: Ain't That A Shame by The Dean Brothers
Sequence A, A, A, B, C, A, A, B, C, A, A

1-2 Song starts with lyrics "you make" - hold during these two counts
3-4 Turn right knee in towards left and look forward, turn right knee out and look to the right (Elvis knees)
5-6 Lyrics "me cry" - hold
7-8 Turn right knee in towards left and look forward, turn right knee out and look to the right (Elvis knees)\
9-10 Lyrics "when you said" - hold
11-12 Turn right knee in towards left and look forward, turn right knee out and look to the right (Elvis knees)
13-14 Lyrics "goodbye" - hold
15-16 Turn right knee in towards left and look forward, turn right knee out and look to the right (Elvis knees to lyrics "ain't that")
Hold for one beat (lyric "a"), the next part of the dance starts on the lyrics "shame"

17&18 Shuffle to the right, right, left, right
19-20 Rock back on left, recover on the right
21&22 Shuffle to the left, left, right, left
23-24 Rock back on right, recover on left
25-28 Touch right toe forward, slap right heel down, touch left toe forward, slap left heel down
29-32 Touch right toe forward, slap right heel down, touch left toe forward, slap left heel down
Anything goes on with the above 8 counts -- shake hips, shoulders, etc. Please use lots of attitude

33-34 Rock forward on right, recover on left
35&36 Coaster step: step back on right, step left beside right (&), step forward on right
37-38 Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right
39&40 Shuffle forward left, right, left
41-42 Rock right to right side, recover on left
43&44 Shuffle right across left, right, left, right
45-46 Rock left to left side, recover on right making a ¼ turn to right
47&48 Shuffle forward, left, right, left

1-32 Repeat counts 17-48 of Part A

1-16 Repeat counts 17-32 of Part A

Dance steps 1-16 (Elvis knees), raise right fist over your head

Printed step sheet presentation copyright © 2002 by Kickit. All rights reserved.