The Red Bandana  Printable PDF version

Choreographed by Jim & Val Holdsworth
Description: 44 count, partner dance
Music: Walking To Jerusalem by Tracy Byrd [116bpm / Love Lessons ]
Too Much Texas by Rhett Akins
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me by Terri Clark [124bpm / Just The Same ]
Walk Out Backwards by Rick Trevino [128bpm / Rick Trevino ]
A Little Less Talk & A Lot More Action by The Cheap Seats [136bpm / A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action ]

Position:Side by Side holding inside hands facing RLOD, bodies angled slightly inwards, outside foot forward (mirror image)

Start dancing on lyrics

1-4 Tap right heel down (hold inside hands), tap right heel down three more times
5-8 Pivot ½ turn left, tap left heel down (take up hands) tap left heel down three more times

9-12 Left step left, right cross behind left, left step left making ¼ turn left (drop forward hand), right scuff forward
13-16 Right cross in front of left, step left back, left ¼ turn right (take up hands) left touch beside right

17-20 Left step left, right step behind left, left step left, right touches beside left
Lady does a full rolling turn under mans left arm into hammerlock position right, left, right, left
21-24 Right step to right, left step behind right, right step right, left touch beside right
Lady does a full rolling turn back and under mans left arm left, right, left, right

25-26 Left step left ¼ turn left, right hitch (drop forward hands)
27-28 Right shuffle angled outwards (hold inside hands)
29-30 Left shuffle angled inwards
31-32 Right shuffle angled outwards

33-36 Step left forward and across right turning ¼ right to face partner, right cross behind left(take up forward hands) left step left ¼ turn right to step back facing RLOD, right hitch angled outwards
The last two steps of the above section should be made turning to face RLOD holding inside hands. On the hitch step, the outside hand can make a hitch hike thumb movement up and backwards towards the shoulder
37-44 Right step to right ¼ turn left (take up hands) left cross behind right, right step to right, left cross in front of right, right step right, left touch in place, (drop outside hands) left step left ¼ turn right to step back facing RLOD, right hitch angled outwards
The last two steps of this section are made the same way as the last two steps of the previous section including hitch hike thumb movement. Drop from the hitch into the starting position, foot to floor being the first heel tap step